Hello 👋

Hello 👋

Hi, it is Zhiwei Chen speaking. Here’s my website with paper reading notes and blog.


Zhiwei Chen - 陈志伟

  • A master student of CS from the School of Artificial Intelligence of Sun Yat-sen University (2022/09~2025/06).
  • My research interests lie in trustworthy machine learning and recommender systems.
  • I am currently working on a recommender systems project in the industry and welcome discussions.
  • Like programming, fitness, skateboarding, traveling, and music.

Education - 教育经历

  • Master of Engineering in Computer Technology, Sun Yat-Sen University, School of Artificial Intelligence (SYSU), Sept. 2022 - Apr. 2025
  • Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Technology, Guangxi University, School of Computer, Electronics and Information(GXU), Sept. 2018 - Jun. 2022

Skills - 技术栈

  • Java Spring Sql and Nosql
  • Python Pytorch Tensorflow
  • Zhuhai - Guangdong - China
  • chenzhw75@sysu.edu.cn or chen932796750@qq.com
  • https://github.com/Chen-Zhiwei